Here is an overview of what the BBS-commands do: ? : Reading the help file. Type ?[COMMAND] to obtain help on a basic command. > : "Break" between channels. Type > [CALLSIGN] [TEXT] to send a text to a connected callsign on another channel. The BBS will advice you that the text has been delivered. This text cannot be longer than one line. This command is not allowed in read-only mode. = : Connection between two channels. Type = [CALLSIGN] to get connected to a callsign on another channel. The callsign can be connected only if it is not busy in a command; the BBS should be idle (waiting for a command). If the callsign is not available, you may either wait or you may cancel your request. The callsign currently busy in forwarding tasks cannot be connected. Use Ctrl-Z to leave this mode. This command is not allowed in read-only mode. ! : Provide a short and minimal information on the BBS usage. % : Use this command to see the status of all channels right now. A : Abort the BBS output at any time. When reading messages with paging, the commands N and C are available, too. Use N to skip the reading of the rest of current message, and start on the next message. Use C to read the rest of the message(s) without paging. B or Bye : Disconnects the BBS. Note that the "last listed" parametre is updated. When the user does a "hard disconnect", the last-listed parametre is NOT updated. C : Enters the conference mode, multiconnection. CW: Shows a list of the callsigns involved in the current conference. D : Invokes the FBBDOS, or receives a file from the BBS if the command is followed by a file name. F : Switches to Server mode, and access to special commands. G : Accesses the Gateway mode, if gateway is allowed in the BBS. H : Shows short help. For help with specific commands, see the ? command. I : Information about this BBS. This command displays the file FRANCAIS.INF (or another language depending upon the configuration and the language attributed to the involved channel). I callsign : Gives the information on callsign taken from the white pages database. Callsign can include wildcards. ID : Shows how many records there are in the WP database. I@ bbs : Gives the users of BBS found in the WP database. IH route : Gives the users of the hierarchical route area from WP database (wildcards allowed). IZ Zip : Gives the users of the ZIP code area from WP database (wildcards are allowed). J-commands list the callsigns heard by or connected on the BBS. JK : Shows the last 20 connected callsigns. JA : Connected callsigns on port A. JB : Connected callsigns on port B, etc... J1 : Heard callsigns on port A. J2 : Heard callsigns on port B, etc... K-commands delete messages sent by you or to you. K msg# : Deletes a message identified by its number. KM : Deletes all the messages addressed to you, that you don't yet read. The messages not read will not be deleted. L : Lists the new messages since the last usage of this command. LA : List messages with status A. LB : Lists bulletins. LC [mask] : List the messages which "TO" filed matches with mask. * (star) allows to list all the messages and should be the default value. Type "LC *" to see all messages. LC alone gives the current mask. Mask is recorded for each user while disconnecting. LD> YYMMDD : Lists the messages received after the specified date. LD< YYMMDD : Lists the messages received before the specified date. LE : List messages that could not be forwarded. LF : List FORWARDED messages. LH : List HELD messages. LK : List KILLED messages. LM : Lists the messages TO YOU. LN : Lists the NEW messages TO YOU. LP : List PRIVATE messages. LU : Lists all unread messages to/from the user. LX : List messages with status X. LY : List messages that have been read (status Y). LL 10: Lists the last 10 messages. LR : Equivalent to L but the messages are listed in reverse order. LS text : Searches for a text in the messages titles. Usage of wildcards is allowed. LT : List Traffic (for NTS-messages). L$ : List bulletins with status $. L< Callsign : Lists the message originated from [Callsign]. The wildcards are allowed. L> Callsign : Lists the messages destinated to [Callsign]. Wildcards are allowed. L@ [BBS] : Lists the messages VIA BBS if specified. L@ alone lists the message without route. The wildcards are allowed. L msg#- : Lists all messages, starting from msg# L msg#-msg# : Lists messages between the given numbers. M msg# File : Transfers the text of the message msg# to the file File. This file will be placed in the directory USERS or from the root in case of a SYSOP user. MH msg# File : Identical, but the format is the R command. MV msg# File : Identical, but the format is the V command. MA msg# File : Transfers the text of the message msg# to the file File. This file will be placed in the directory USERS or from the root in case of a SYSOP user. The message is appended to the existing file. MHA msg# File : Identical, but the format is the R command. The message is appended to the file. MVA msg# File : Identical, but the format is the V command. The message is appended to the file. N : Enters or modifies the name (max 12 characters allowed). NH : Enters or modifies the Home BBS. A point deletes the current Home BBS. NL : Enters or modifies the QRA locator. NP : Modifies the password for the access via telephone modem. NQ : Enters or modifies the city (Qth). NZ : Enters or modifies the Zip Code. O : Displays the setting of various options. OL : Lists the available languages. OL number : Selects a language. ON : Shows the number-base for messages. See also ON number below. ON number : Defines the number of the thousand base for the messages. Example: ON 37 defines number 37000 as being the base for numbering the messages. Then the command R 25 will cause the message 37025 to be read, although R 36025 will actually read the message nr 36025. OP : Validates or disables the scrolling of pages. OP nbr of lines : Initializes the page scrolling OR : Validates or disables the ability to list all messages, if the user has access to the whole list of messages by default (See security code 256 of INIT.SRV). PG [program]: PG alone gives the list of PG programs available in the BBS. If followed by a program name gives the control to this program. The PG program can also be called by its name. If the name is the same that an existing command, the existing command will be replaced with the PG program. PS : Gives the list of servers available in the BBS. R-commands are for reading messages. Note: When reading messages with paging, the commands N and C are available, too. Use N to skip the reading of the rest of current message, and start on the next message. Use C to read the rest of the message(s) without paging. R msg# msg# : Reads the messages by their numbers. RM : Reads all the messages to you. RN : Reads all the NEW messages to you. RU : Read all unread messages to/from you. R> callsign : Read all messages to a callsign. R< callsign : Read all messages from a callsign. S[type] callsign : Sends a message or a bulletin. If the type is not specified, it will be processed as a private, provided the destination callsign is a valid one, otherwise it will be considered as a bulletin. SP callsign : Sends a private message. S callsign @ BBSCALLSIGN : Sends a message to a station AT another BBS through forward. BBSCALLSIGN can be an address of hierarchical type, for example F6FBB.FRA.EU. Type "SB ALL" to send a bulletin addressed to ALL. The message must be terminated by a Ctl Z or /EX followed by a return. Warning: the /EX must be in the first column. SC Msg# Callsign @ BBSCALLSIGN : Copies a message or bulletin to the specified callsign. Such a copy will always be of the "personal" type. SR [Msg# [title]] : Replies to a message already read or formerly suppressed, or to a message matching the specified number. If the title is not stated, it will be the title of the read message, with the mention "Re:" placed ahead. T : Pages the SysOp. Should the SysOp not be available within a minute, you will be advised accordingly and automatically returned to the normal BBS menu. TH : Gives access to the themes-zone. Lists messages by themes, as setup in the file THEMES.SYS. Available commands in this zone, are H (list themes) L (list messages in current theme) R msg# (read message in current theme) number (change to theme#) U : Uploads a file from the user to the server of the BBS. The file will be written in the root directory of the FBBDOS. The U command is to be typed at the BBS prompt, it is not necessary to go to FBBDOS first. V : Version number of this BBS software. It gives also the number of active messages, and the next message number. V msg# msg# : Reads the messages by their numbers, including the headers. VM : Reads all the messages TO you, including the headers. VN : Reads all the NEW messages TO you, including the headers. W : Lists the files which are within the user directory. This command can be followed by a mask specifying search criteria or a directory name; in the latter case, the directory contents will be listed. X : Toggles "normal" or "expert" status. "Normal" grants the extended menus, "expert" provides only minimal information. Y : Binary transfer program using the YAPP protocol. As a user, you should also have the YAPP protocol available your end, in order to be able to transfer binary data. YD File : Downloads a file FROM the BBS TO you. YI [mask] : Lists the available binary files, and their description. YN [mask] : Lists the NEW binary files since your last connection. YU File : Uploads a binary file from you TO the BBS. You cannot replace or modify an already existing file. YW [mask] : Lists the available binary files. YZ Filename : Deletes the specified filename in the YAPP directory. Z Filename : Deletes the specified filename in the user directory.![]()
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