Install SQL-ledger in Ubuntu By: Onno W. Purbo # cp sql-ledger-2.8.8.tar.gz /usr/local/ # cd /usr/local # tar zxvf sql-ledger-2.8.8.tar.gz # cd /usr/local/sql-ledger # perl Enter: i Enter httpd owner [] : www-data Enter httpd group [] : www-data Status Downloading sql-ledger-2.8.8.tar.gz .... California, U.S.A .... ok! Decompressing sql-ledger-2.8.8.tar.gz ... done Unpacking sql-ledger-2.8.8.tar ... # cd /etc/apache2/ # vi sql-ledger-httpd.conf Alias /sql-ledger /usr/local/sql-ledger/ AllowOverride All AddHandler cgi-script .pl Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks Order Allow,Deny Allow from All Order Deny,Allow Deny from All # vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf # SQL-Ledger Include /etc/apache2/sql-ledger-httpd.conf # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart # cd /usr/local/sql-ledger # chown -hR www-data.www-data users templates css spool # apt-get install postgresql-8.2 postgresql-client-8.2 # su postgres $ createuser -d sql-ledger Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n atau .. Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y CREATE ROLE http://localhost/sql-ledger/ login admin http://localhost/sql-ledger/ INSTALLATION CHECKLIST: ----------------------- 1. untar SQL-Ledger somewhere (i.e /usr/local, /opt) 2. change permission for the users, templates, css and spool directory 3. edit httpd.conf 4. edit sql-ledger.conf 5. add the database user sql-ledger 6. load 7. create datasets for companies 8. add users In the Database section enter a) PostgreSQL Host: for local connections leave blank Dataset: the dataset created in step 7 Port: for local connections leave blank User: sql-ledger Password: password for sql-ledger Windows: You must enter a host in the Host field. You can use an IP number too if you do not have a hostname.