HOW TO INSTALL GDL4.0 FRESH INSTALLATION 1. Extract the gdl40-[os].zip file EXACTLY to directory C:\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2. From the directory c:\gdl40, run the executable file: install.bat 3. To Start the web server, click the gdlstart.bat or gdlstart-nt.bat 4. To Stop the web server, click the gdlstop.bat or gdlstop-nt.bat 5. Create shortcut for both file on your desktop, so you can easily start and stop the web server later. VIRTUAL HOST INSTALLATION 1. It is assumed that you already have web server (apache, mysql, php) on your PC. You can install this application as virtual host. 2. Extract the file to your new virtual host root directory. For example at C:\Apache\htdocs-gdl40\, or somewhere else. 3. Setup your apache configuration for this virtual host. 4. Create database: gdl40. Import the table structures from C:\Apache\htdocs-gdl40\sql\gdl40.sql. 5. Run your web server. GETTING STARTED Now, you can use the GDL4.0. 1. Launch your internet explorer, and open http://localhost or http://[virtual-host] as you set for your virtual-host name. 2. Login as superuser: login: superuser@localhost pass : superuser Don't forget to change your password. 3. You can add, update, delete categories and records/metadata from the Explorer module. Good luck Ismail Fahmi ------------------------------------------------------ GDL4.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2003 KMRG ITB This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from Yayasan Litbang Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (YLTI) Indonesia, and International Development Research Center (IDRC) Canada