KE0VH Digital Mode Page
I am active on PSK31, MFSK16, RTTY, & SSTV.  I really like MFSK16 due to its low signal strength abilities.   And, using your soundcard, (I use a Soundblaster 16 with a PII 66, there is so much versatility with the HF digital modes and ease of interfacing.  I am using a home made interface to get audio to an from my older Kenwood TS-120S, and running about 25-50 watts.  The plans are available to via a .jpg file, just drop me an email.  Rigblaster offers a versatile unit on their website for interfacing audio. The antenna's at KE0VH are dipoles.  I am using Hamscope software, offered by Glen, KD5HIO, and is freeware .  Here is a screenshot. 
The new home made interface I built is now down midway on this page.
Click here to go to the Hamscope Webpage, for full information, downloading, and other digital links, including rig-computer interfaces.
I use the MMTTY software for RTTY, which interfaces to Hamscope for RTTY functions. I really like the  X-Y scope and automatic tuning functions this software provides.  And, I use the MMSSTV software for Slow Scan TV.  Both are written by JE3HHT, Mako.  All of his software is offered for free.   Here are screenshots.
After many requests, I have rebuilt and drawn a new schematic using Express PCB, a free circuit board and PCB program.  Here are pictures of the finished interface now on air at KE0VH.  If you would like a copy of the schematic, please feel free to email me at  You will need to download the PCB program.  I will answer all and send out the schematic.  This box also includes a 12volt 1.25 amp wall wart I wanted to include for powering a tnc or other 12 volt items as needed, such as a scanner or whatever. These pictures are not small file size, I didn't want to lose any more detail.   So be please be patient as they load. 
The front and rear of the interface, built in an old power supply box on hand.  This was all built of old parts from the junk box.
Looking to the back of the box, the black unit is the "wall wart"                      Looking towards the front of the box interior.
The circuit board in the upper right of this picture is the serial to PTT/CW key circuit.  The Audio connectors on the back were taken from an old VCR audio video connect.  The wall wart causes no noise in the mic circuits.  The PTT switch in the upper left was another junk box audio board switch.
My station uses a Kenwood TS-120s, and an Alinco DR-110 for the radios at this time.  This design is based upon those radios.  My comptuer is a P-II 66 mhz with a standard Soundblaster card.  This design could be adapted to just about any situation. There is a 1:1 audio transformer on the soundcard speaker out to the interface and I run the HF/VHF audio out to an audio mixer for isolation and recording convenience, simply because I had it available.  Again, feel free to email me for the complete schematic and if I can be of any assistance if you decide to try to build your own.

Click here to see the interface on air at KE0VH.
Little blue box is balanced to    unbalanced
transformer for the Heil balanced Mic.
Hamscope "live" on the KE0VH Computer