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GSM World News

GSM Association

GSM Statistics

It is ever more likely that the phone you use is a GSM phone on a GSM network - using the top class standard relied on by millions of people worldwide.

Quick Statistics : Below is a summary of some interesting GSM Statistics, demonstrating GSM's impact throughout the world.

  • GSM Association total membership (May 2003) - 709

    Complete Operator Members 541
    Provisional Operator Members 26
    Total Operator Members (incl. Provisional) 567
    Complete Regulator Members 13
    Total Operator & Regulator Members (incl. Provisional) 580
    Associate Members 123
    Provisional Associate Members 6
    Total Associate Members 129

  • No. of Countries/Areas with GSM System (May 2003) - 197 more on this...

  • GSM Total Subscribers - 863.6 million (end May 2003) more on this...

  • SMS messages sent per month - 24 Billion more on this...

  • SMS forecast for 2002 - 360 Billion

  • GSM accounts for 72.0% of the World's digital market and 70.0% of the World's wireless market


* Download all the latest statistics in PDF format (30 May 2003) - click here...


Subscriber statistics and forecasts are provided by EMC World Cellular Database

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World Cellular Subscribers
Subscriber Growth 1992 - 2002 View Graph

GSM Subscriber Growth
Subscriber Growth 1992 - 2002 View Graph

World Cellular Subscribers by Region
Market share by world regions: June '02 View Graph

GSM Subscribers by Frequency
Frequency breakdown: June 02 View Graph

World Cellular Subscribers by Technology
Technology breakdown of subscribers: June '02 View Graph

World pre-paid Users
% of pre-paid subscribers represented by GSM: June '02 View Graph

GSM Subscribers by Region
World GSM subscribers - June 2002 View Graph

Subscriber statistics demonstrate the numbers of people using GSM at different frequencies, and in different global regions. The current count is over 820 million which is phenomenal customer growth running at twice the industry's predicted level. more on this...

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