Index of /orari/library/library-ref-eng/ref-eng-2/physical/wireless/cellullar/gsm-vs-cdma/

3kwoth~q/                                          05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
CDMA vs TDMA_files/                                05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
EE 4984 - CDMA versus TDMA_files/                  05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Fool_com Qualcomm vs_ Nokia [Rule Maker] Novemb..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Forecast Mobile penetration levels still distor..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Look Before You Leap_files/                        05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
QUALCOMM Blurs GSM and CDMA in China_files/        05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Review On GSM Mobile Technology Vs CDMA Mobile ..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Review On GSM Mobile Technology Vs CDMA Mobile ..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Speed_TDMA v_ CDMA_files/                          05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
The 3G-2_5G Controversy GSM vs_ CDMA - NewMobil..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
WCDMA vs_ CDMA2000 - A Balanced Assessment_files/  05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless Co..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless De..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless Fo..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless To..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless To..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02                   -
(Doc.No.8.1)Mr.MauriceNunas_part2.ppt              05-Feb-2009 07:02              207360
2003042606.pdf                                     05-Feb-2009 07:02              192014
3GSM_Dec_02.pdf                                    05-Feb-2009 07:02             1810582
3GWirelessFinal.ppt                                05-Feb-2009 07:02              371200
3zhm8e~y.htm                                       05-Feb-2009 07:02               38802
CDMA Vs GSM.htm                                    05-Feb-2009 07:02                5286
CDMA vs TDMA.htm                                   05-Feb-2009 07:02               25883
CDMA2000 1X Asian Lessions and Prospect.pdf        05-Feb-2009 07:02               75370
DShaver.pdf                                        05-Feb-2009 07:02              818473
EE 4984 - CDMA versus TDMA.htm                     05-Feb-2009 07:02               25907
FD_TD_CDMA_Final.pdf                               05-Feb-2009 07:02              231945
Fool_com Qualcomm vs_ Nokia [Rule Maker] Novemb..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               39810
Forecast Mobile penetration levels still distor..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               24645
GSM-vs-CDMA-A-Primer-Before-the-BREW-Conference..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               10214
GSM-vs-CDMA-Does-it-matter-in-Iraq.txt             05-Feb-2009 07:02                4974
GSM1x_archi.pdf                                    05-Feb-2009 07:02              852235
GSM1x_overview.pdf                                 05-Feb-2009 07:02              125196
IFAST17_016_IlluminetPresentation.pdf              05-Feb-2009 07:02             1338024
Jan_Uddenfeldt.pdf                                 05-Feb-2009 07:02              334080
Life on the Road with 3G - NewMobileComputing.htm  05-Feb-2009 07:02                 546
Look Before You Leap.htm                           05-Feb-2009 07:02               14304
MC_Slides_Chapter10s_v07.pdf                       05-Feb-2009 07:02              661471
MTT_S2002.pdf                                      05-Feb-2009 07:02              479163
MobileLifeForum-Keynote.pdf                        05-Feb-2009 07:02              636301
Mobiltelefoni.pdf                                  05-Feb-2009 07:02              379018
QUALCOMM Blurs GSM and CDMA in China.htm           05-Feb-2009 07:02               73865
RF_Front_Ends.ppt                                  05-Feb-2009 07:02             1418240
Review On GSM Mobile Technology Vs CDMA Mobile ..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               96248
Review On GSM Mobile Technology Vs CDMA Mobile ..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               96426
Speed_TDMA v_ CDMA.htm                             05-Feb-2009 07:02               11436
The 3G-2_5G Controversy GSM vs_ CDMA - NewMobil..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               16215
Tim's GSM VS CDMA info.htm                         05-Feb-2009 07:02                7242
WCDMA vs_ CDMA2000 - A Balanced Assessment.htm     05-Feb-2009 07:02               35174
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless Co..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               34551
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless De..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               33256
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless Fo..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               71499
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless To..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               35270
Wireless Developer Network - Mobile Wireless To..> 05-Feb-2009 07:02               31870
bday1.pdf                                          05-Feb-2009 07:02              466551
cdma.pdf                                           05-Feb-2009 07:02              122880
diversity_in_3g.pdf                                05-Feb-2009 07:02             1155320
fwur_pt1.ppt                                       05-Feb-2009 07:02              425472
gsma.doc                                           05-Feb-2009 07:02              153600
location_tech_wp_1-03.pdf                          05-Feb-2009 07:02              864776
net_slides.pdf                                     05-Feb-2009 07:02             1068178
s2-2.pdf                                           05-Feb-2009 07:02              166332
shimozawa.pdf                                      05-Feb-2009 07:02              311110
wcdma_asynch_wp_9-01.pdf                           05-Feb-2009 07:02              131440
wireless_mobile_data.pdf                           05-Feb-2009 07:02              626474
wln.pdf                                            05-Feb-2009 07:02               90263