FreeRADIUS EAP/MD5: Windows XP as supplicant

Very basic understanding

EAP/MD5 and other types of EAP authentication are part of "Port based network access control", as defined in the IEEE 802.1X standard. All you have to know at this time are the three main actors:

Server configuration (FreeRADIUS)

Assumptions: Please take a look at the provided configuration files in order to accomplish the setup so far. It’s really not difficult to have the system configured this way by just correcting the supplied configuration files. The files concerned here are in the etc directory of your FreeRADIUS server: User configuration (users):

Alter the existent user or add another one which will be used for test purposes. The simplest possible configurations are given in the examples. More complicated configurations are out of the scope of this document.


Auth-Type := System, User-Password = "Hello"
Auth-Type := Local, User-Password = "Hello"
Please note the ":=" operator. "=" instead will not work.

Sections (radiusd.conf):

The interesting part here are authorize AND authenticate sections. (At the very bottom of the file.) Ignore all the following as those will deal with the accounting.

authorize {





authenticate {


Finally, the EAP module itself has to be configured at least this way:
eap {

      md5 {


That’s it for FreeRADIUS

Client configuration

First of all: please read the documentation of your client. There are a plenty of different clients on the market, we can’t provide any help for them. Basically, you have to activate "Network port based 802.1X authentication", sometimes called similar. Please see the Technical Documentation of your AP. Then, of course, you have to find the "Authentication Server" configuration part and supply the data about the used RADIUS server, i.e. it’s IP-address, UDP-port and the pre-shared secret (the same one you configured for your access point – client – in the FreeRADIUS configuration files). Sometimes you can supply a bunch of those servers and sometimes you can use them for other purposes, too, like e.g. MAC-based access control. You only have to activate the EAP-Authentication.

Please note: you can perfectly use EAP-authentication without using WEP or providing whichever keys in the AP. Do it so for the test purposes. Once you’ve got it running, you can setup your WEP keys, whatever. That will allow you to analyze traffic if something goes wrong.

For Cisco AP340 it would look like following:


ap1   AP Radio Data Encryption

Cisco's Homepage

Cisco 350 Series AP 11.23T



Uptime: 7 days, 11:02:58

Use of Data Encryption by Stations is:  
Open Shared Network-EAP
Accept Authentication Type: 
Require EAP:  
  With Key Encryption Key Key Size
 WEP Key 1:
 WEP Key 2:
 WEP Key 3: -
 WEP Key 4: -
Enter 40-bit WEP keys as 10 hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, or A-F).
Enter 128-bit WEP keys as 26 hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, or A-F).
This radio supports Encryption for all Data Rates.

Cisco 350 Series AP 11.23T ® Copyright 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. credits


Deactivate older authentication types (Open, Shared, CHAP, PAP, whatever) to prevent misunderstanding during the test.

User configuration

Windows XP (before SP1)

Note: since WindowsXP SP1 you can't use EAP-MD5 for wireless devices!!! EAP-MD5 is only available for wired devices.

Go to the Network Connections window. Right-click the connection corresponding to the adapter which is going to use EAP authentication. Go to the "Authentication" tab. If it doesn’t appear (yes, it’s weird sometimes) try to unplug and plug your adapter till it does (if PCMCIA...) Otherwise, download the software for the adapter configuration like e.g. ACU for the Cisco adapters and try to de- and reactivate the card.

In the Authentication dialog, assure the box "Use IEEE802.1X network authentication" is checked. Set your EAP type there (EAP/MD5 Challenge).

That’s all. Now deactivate and reactivate your LAN-connection on this adapter and it should work.



Exchange and log examples

Below some examples:

1. Successful login for user

The basic exchange would be like following:

NAS                                                      Server

                Access Request (1)
                EAP Response (2)
                Identity (1)

                Access Challenge (11)
                EAP Request (1)
                MD5-Challenge (4

                Access Request (1)
                EAP Response (2)
                MD-Challenge (4)

                Access Accept (2)
                EAP Success (3)
And the corresponding radiusd output:
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=42, length=121
        User-Name = "artur"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Called-Station-Id = "00409635bed6"
        Calling-Station-Id = "004096426f05"
        NAS-Identifier = "ap1"
        NAS-Port = 38
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = "\002\000\000\n\001artur"
        Message-Authenticator = 0xe16c8f1a3d9326a9025fb043c7f2ecec
rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: Issuing Challenge
Login OK: [artur/<no User-Password attribute>] (from client ap-1 port 38 cli 004096426f05)
Sending Access-Challenge of id 42 to
        EAP-Message = "\001*\000\026\004\020\277\301\034\265\377\002\353\210{pfV\216B\031J"
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x0bb432f976422930f905808b087e88ba9610fe3ccb283c169291fb00b15a87fa66c5a418
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=43, length=176
        User-Name = "artur"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Called-Station-Id = "00409635bed6"
        Calling-Station-Id = "004096426f05"
        NAS-Identifier = "ap1"
        NAS-Port = 38
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0x0bb432f976422930f905808b087e88ba9610fe3ccb283c169291fb00b15a87fa66c5a418
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message = "\002*\000\033\004\020]\242\222\220kzZ\006\213\376!w\363M\255\311artur"
        Message-Authenticator = 0xa8d07be03fa8f7e6a15f593753094db4
rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
rlm_eap: EAP_TYPE - md5
rlm_eap: processing type md5
Login OK: [artur/<no User-Password attribute>] (from client ap-1 port 38 cli 004096426f05)
Sending Access-Accept of id 43 to
        EAP-Message = "\003+\000\004"
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

FreeRADIUS EAP¨/MD5: WindowsXP as supplicant
Last touched: 03.03.2003

--Artur Hecker <hecker at enst dot fr>